Everyone is well aware now of the current extreme prices within the energy market with customers facing huge increases on their next contracts. The price hikes alone is detrimental to any business however the hospitality sector is facing more challenges with a growing number of suppliers not taking on businesses within this sector.
The below table shows what suppliers are / are not taking on businesses in this sector.
*Information correct as of 03/08/2022 however subject to change
Supplier | Credit Score | Credit Restrictions |
Avanti Gas | 30 | |
British Gas | | |
British Gas Lite | 25 | Hospitality industry no longer supported |
Corona Energy | 20 | Won't take on bars, pubs and clubs |
D-Energi | Case by case basis | Don't quote for Pubs, Bars or Takeaways |
Dyce Energy | 25 | No longer accepting sales for hospitality industry |
EDF | 25 | No longer accepting Acquisitions for hospitality sector (Renewals are okay) |
Engie | 30 | No longer accepting Acquisitions for hospitality sector (Renewals are okay) |
Eon Next | | No longer accepting business types from the hospitality industry |
SEFE (Gazprom) | 26 for New Business | No longer accepting Acquisitions for hospitality sector (Renewals are okay) |
Drax | Only accept LTD and Charity | Drax are not accepting new business from the Leisure or Hospitality industries: Restaurants, Takeaways, Hotels, Gyms, Pubs, Housing Associations Salons. Drax are also unable to accept businesses with a usage under 30,000 kWh. |
OPUS | | Not taking acquisition business in the hospitality sector - pubs, bars, restaurants, B&Bs, holiday parks, gyms and restaurants. |
SSE | do have minimum credit scores but its not the only thing factored | Risk premium to be added to hospitality |
Scottish Power | 26 | Credit 45* Pubs, Clubs, Restaurants and Takeaways and 16 for Special Organisations) |
Smartest Energy | 21 | All businesses accepted |
Total Energies | Credit checked after sale | Do not take on any pubs/clubs, • Charities, schools & NHS related businesses 1p/kwh |
United Gas & Power | | Do not take Pubs, Bars, Clubs or takeaways |
If you are within the hospitality sector and struggling to obtain a competitive price, get in touch to see what we can do for your business.
01514593388 | info@smart-energy.uk