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Eon Next - Incorrect EBRS Discount

Updated: May 2, 2023

Date Published - 03/02/2023


We have identified 3200 customers who contracted through a TPI partner that have been receiving a higher EBRS discount amount than they are entitled to due to an incorrect 'agreed at' date on their tariff.

We have amended this from today meaning that charges produced for February will now be to a different discount amount than the customer has been receiving since October 2022. In some cases there will be 0 discount applied.

We haven't had chance to communicate to the customer in time for the next bill run, so we expect customers to question this. We are sorry for this error, the customer has benefited from a higher discount rate than they are entitled to as per the Government daily discount, they can find this on the gov website under EBRS.

At this time we are reviewing what this means for the discount previously given to customers which they were not entitled to. We will provide further information in the near future.

If you have any questions please contact your account manager directly about this brief.



0151 459 3388 |

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