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EDF Standard Non-Half Hourly Meter Charges are changing!

Your Standard Non-Half Hourly Meter Charges are changing

The Non-Half Hourly Metering Charge (sometimes referred to as NHH Metering Agent Charge) is applied to your bill for each standard non-half hourly meter in your portfolio. It covers the annual costs related to maintaining and servicing their meters, and is spread evenly between each bill they receive over the year in the “Transmission and agent charges” section.

EDF haven’t changed this metering charge since 2007, and instead absorbed any increases in third-party costs to avoid passing it on to our customers. These have now increased to a point where they need to better reflect the costs going forward.

From 1 September 2022 they will be changing the Standard Non-Half Hourly Metering Charge.

EDF have included the new annual charges in the table below. The new rate will be applied to each Standard NHH meter a customer has with EDF, and the annual cost divided across their energy bills.

EDF will be writing directly to all impacted customers over the next few weeks to inform them of this change.

Please note: you can find the Profile Class of a meter by looking at the “Important Account Information” section of your bill. Here you will see a box for each of your supplies containing a large letter S. The first 2 digits in the top row are the Profile Class, whereas the 13 digits on the bottom row are your Meter Point Administration Number (MPAN).

All prices in the above table exclude VAT and Climate Change Levy (CCL).

For more information about variations in our metering charges, please refer to your Terms and Conditions at

Further information

Non-Half Hourly (NHH) meters require you to take and submit regular manual meter readings to receive accurate bills based on your actual consumption. We know that trading conditions and market volatility have been tough over recent times, so this is now more important than ever. EDF can now replace Profile Class 01–04 NHH meters with Smart (SMETS2) and AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) meters, which automatically collect your customer's consumption data so you don’t have to.

To discuss a contract or if you’re interested in replacing your current meter with Smart or AMR, please get in touch

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